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Menheniot Parish Council

Speeding in Menheniot village

Councillors have been lobbying Cornwall Council for many years in an attempt to introduce lower speed limits in the parish (see Traffic Plan August 2017 at the foot of the report).  Cornwall Council is now looking at a scheme to trial a 20mph limit in selected villages across the county.  At the Parish Council’s public meeting on 16 September 2021, Divisional Councillor Phil Seeva spoke about this issue:

Extract from Parish Council minutes 16 September 2021

'Residents attended to present their concerns about the increasing numbers of speeding vehicles in the village centre. They highlighted their observations of the danger to pedestrians, horse riders and household pets, and asked that the Parish Council review speed limits and signage in the locality. Cllr Easterbrook explained that matters of road safety, speed limits and speed calming measures were beyond the legal powers of the Parish Council, and that national regulations were implemented at local level by Cornwall Council. Previous attempts to encourage safer driver behaviour in the area adjacent to the primary school in 2018 had not been successful. This does not prevent the Parish Council from working with Cornwall Council or lobbying them to make changes: this Council is already working alongside a cluster of neighbouring Parish Councils in the Community Network Area to introduce local limits, and the topic will be debated at a forthcoming Cornwall Council meeting on 5 October 2021 '

Cornwall Councillor Phil Seeva sympathised with residents and explained that he would be meeting with the Chair of the 5 October meeting shortly and would raise the matter with him directly. He will also visit residents at home to view at first-hand the extent of their concerns. Although the current Cornwall Council priority is Mine Hill, he will be pressing the case for Trewint Road to be included in any scheme.


Cllr Seeva will report back at the 21 October meeting and Clerk will add this as an agenda item. Clerk to circulate residents’ email to all councillors.

30 is a problem (pdf)

Traffic Plan August 2017 (pdf)

16th September 2021